Sunday 29 April 2018

Lush 'Think Pink' Bathbomb Review

Hey everyone! I haven't done a review post on here yet, so I thought I would review the Lush bath bomb I used the other day - 'Think Pink'. I'm going to be discussing my initial thoughts and my reaction during and after using the product. Let's go!

Now, being the smart blogger I am, I forgot to take a photo of the product before I put it in the bath, so you can find a photo on the Lush website, which I'll link at the end of the post. But as an overview, the bath bomb was a rather hot pink colour with silver glitter, with a sort of swirly design on the outside, probably resembling a rose, but I was so taken by the pink and glitter that I wasn't paying that much attention! The smell was one that I can only describe as 'that smell when you walk into Lush'. So rather strong, but very lovely! I just knew I had to buy it!

The bath bomb was very fizzy, and the water turned pink and glittery almost immediately and the smell filled my whole house, even before I used it! The bath bomb created a small layer of white foam over the top of the bath too, which really set off the pink tone. Below is a photo of the bath bomb in action!

Upon getting in my bath, the water felt smooth on my skin, so the bath bomb was obviously doing a good job there!  And I smelt fresh for the whole evening!

This bath bomb gets an overall rating of 5/5 from me, because it left me smelling great, which is the main goal, and who can go wrong with pink and glitter? I would definitely use this bath bomb again! And here’s the link I promised:

That's it for this week! I know this post is slightly smaller, but I wanted to do something a bit different, and recommend a great product to you! Just a disclaimer, this post contains my own opinion - I'm not being paid to say any of this! Anyway, I'll see you all next week with a new post!

Ellen x

Sunday 22 April 2018

Shopping Haul April 2018

Hey guys! As promised, this weeks post is a shopping haul of items I've been picking up over the last couple of weeks. I'm going to leave links to the products you can buy online, so guys can check them out if you like them! Here we go...

I've really been loving Lush bath bombs lately, and these are the ones I've picked up over the past couple of weeks:

Sakura bath bomb - smelt amazing and made my bath a light pink colour. £3.75.

Carrot bubble bar - smells amazing but I haven't used it yet but I imagine it'll turn my bath pink! I got given this for free as the shop was about to close and the bunch of 3 had broken!

Intergallactic bath bomb - again, I haven't used this one, but it has a nice peppermint smell and I think my bath will turn blue. £4.50.

The Experimenter bath bomb - this one smells of vanilla, but again, I haven't used it. I don't know what colour it will be either, due to the many colours on it! £4.50.

The other side of The Experimenter, like I said, many different colours!

Think Pink bath bomb - smells of rose, and turns your bath pink and glittery! Too glittery for me to take out of the bag to photograph in fact! £4.50.

I placed an order with H&M after joining the H&M club which entitles members to free delivery and 15% off for the first 24 hours, so I decided to make use of this!

Slogan tie-front T-shirt - £8.99.

Floral patterned skirt - £6.99 in the sale.

Yellow jersey dress (there are also other colours) - £12.99.

Close-up of the design on the top.

SuperdrugI'm not really a big make-up wearer, but all of my make up is pretty old, so I decided it was time for a bit of replacement. These are the items I bought:

I stupidly lost my school diary, so I needed to buy a replacement and Paperchase had a sale on their diaries, so I was able to buy this metallic one for only £3.50! It changes colour from pink, purple, blue and green in the light! I've noticed it's a different colour in every lesson! I unfortunately, I couldn't find a link on their website for this though!

I bought this cross-fronted top at the store in West Quay, Southampton, on the way to my holiday in Dorset (see last week's post). It was in the sale for £12 (I think).

I'm quite a huge Primark fan, so I bought the most things in this haul from Primark! Primark is just so cheap in my opinion, for example my denim jacket was just £12! And the quality is pretty good too! These are the items I bought:  
Denim jacket - £12
Swimsuit - £4
Double strap midi dress - £6
Striped crop top - £3
Halter-neck floral printed jumpsuit - £6
Bikini - Bottoms £3, Top £4

Well, that's my haul done! I'm sure there'll be another one in the future, but I don't think I'll be going shopping for a little while, so this will probably be in the future! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next Sunday!

Ellen x

Monday 16 April 2018

My Holiday To Dorset!

Hi everyone! Apologies for the late upload, college work had me swamped and school has to take priority over my blog, which I hope you understand! As requested in my polls on both Twitter and Instgram (go follow me @EllenGBlogs on Twitter and ellengblogs on Instgram), today's post will be all about my Dorset holiday. I went away for a long weekend, similar to my Disneyland Paris trip, from Friday 6th April - Monday 9th April (which also happens to be my mum's birthday!). Pre-warning, the photos on this post will all be a bit samey, as I only remembered to take my camera out once and I didn't get any photos of the park itself, West Bay (the name of the park and location), which was a Parkdean caravan park with many facilities like a swimming pool, arcade and entertainment complex. Now, enough about the park, lets find out what I got up to...

Friday 6th April 2018
Today was the day I left for Dorset! We left at about 11 o clock in the morning, and there was quite a lot of traffic the closer to Dorset we got! Since the journey was a long one (side note: we listened to Disney music the whole way there), we decided to stop off at West Quay in Southampton for a KFC and a bit o' shopping! My mum kindly treated me to a new top from Hollister (which will be featured in next weeks' post) and I bought a new dress from Primark (also to be featured next week)! We then continued the journey and arrived at like 6pm. We checked in and got assigned a caravan, which was, very luckily, conveniently located seconds away from all of the facilities, great for lazy people like me who can't be bothered to walk from one side of a caravan park to the other, in fact last year when I went on holiday to a similar place, we drove to the swimming pool which was onsite! After expressing our disbelief at how close we were and the convenience of it, we headed to the restaurant to eat. I ordered fish and chips off the kids menu, as remember, KFC for lunch! We later headed to the entertainment complex and watched a comedy duo, who were actually really funny despite our expectations (it's a kids holiday park people!), then we explored the arcade for a bit before heading back to our caravan for the night.

This was the view from the outside terrace of the restaurant

Saturday 7th April 2018
After waking up and grabbing a breakfast of sausage and bacon from the restaurant, we headed out for a walk along the seafront. The beach we were on is the same beach used in Broadchurch, and was a lovely scene for taking photos (see below)! We walked until the tide began coming in, and walked back up towards the caravan park, salivating at a delicious little bakery along the way, so much so that we became hungry and had to stop for some stereotypical chips by the beach at a stereotypical little fish and chip stand (there was literally 4 in a row, so plenty of choice!). We went for a swim in the afternoon. My sister and I were quick to make use of the flume! We then headed back to our caravan and dressed for the evening, ensuring we made it in time for 'linked bingo', where basically all the Parkdean parks in the country play a huge game of bingo for a rather substantial cash prize. So as you can imagine, my dad didn't win! We headed to the restaurant for dinner, but the Manchester derby was on so we couldn't get a table! My sister and I made use of the arcade whilst my parents bagged us a table. I ordered steak and chips and after that we headed back to the entertainment complex to watch a singer, who was great! Once that was over, we headed back to the caravan to go to bed.

This is one of the sandstone rocks iconic in the TV series Broadchurch

This was the view down the beach

Sunday 8th April 2018
I, once again, woke up and ordered the same breakfast! We then headed out to a donkey sanctuary to meet up with my mum's Uncle, who works there. We spent half an hour with him whilst indulging in brownie, and then he had to go back to work so we explored a bit more. My sister did an Easter egg hunt, which allowed us to tour the whole sanctuary. We found a maze, and completed that, and then I stroked a donkey whilst my sister wrote down the clues. She got a mini eggs Easter egg at the end too! We then headed back to our caravan to go swimming. My sister and I were booked onto a total wipeout style obstacle course, which I beat her on, of course. We then watched my dad play bingo, which he, again, didn't win, and we went to the restaurant for dinner, which was a calvary! We then headed back to the entertainment complex and watched a show called 'Soulsation', which was really good, followed by a singer, who was also really good! We then headed back to our caravan to watch the end of the Masters, pack and go to bed.

The view of the rock from further away including a little café on the beach

This is a small bridge that went over the sea

Monday 9th April 2018
Today was the day we left West Bay! We left West Bay at about 11am. We stopped at West Quay (again!) and enjoyed a KFC (again) before browsing a few more shops, including buying my friend a birthday present. We then continued the drive home and arrived back at about 5pm.

Some of the little fish and chips places

This seagull was watching me I photographed him!

Well, that pretty much sums up my holiday to West Bay in Dorset. I hope this post wasn't too long, there's just so much to talk about! I'll see you next week, with a shopping haul post from the past couple of weeks, and some more things which I've ordered online that haven't arrived yet. I might be going shopping tomorrow as well, since I only have one lesson, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll see you next Sunday!

Ellen x

Thursday 5 April 2018

College Application Walkthrough

Hiya! I'm back again with another early post as I'm going away for the weekend tomorrow! I've decided to do a post walking you through applying to college. This is my personal experience, and yours may be different, but you'll probably get asked very similar things to me. I know this is a bit out of season, as most applications open in October and close in January, but I wanted to get this out there with plenty of time for the next year. So without further ado, here's how to apply to college...

1. Register for the website of the college you're applying for. This is only applicable for online applications. If you decide you want to leave your application and come back to it later, you will need these details to sign on again, so DON'T FORGET YOUR USERNAME OR PASSWORD! Personally, I received an email to confirm what my username was.
2. The application will start off by asking you about your personal details. This will include:
~ Biographical details (posh way of categorising your name, gender, ethnicity, etc)
~ Address
~ Your current school
~ What you want to study (in order of preference most likely)
~ Telephone details
~ Emergency contact(s)
~ Additional needs (disabilities, learning difficulties, etc)
3. You will now need to upload/complete a personal statement. On my college application, I was presented with a series of questions which required short (paragraph) answers, which formed a personal statement with the details the college were interested in. This included information such as why I was applying for the college, why I have selected my subjects, what my career path was, what I was considering for university (if you are considering university), my interests and I would be travelling to college.
4. The next step is to provide a reference from your school. If your school is catchment to the college then they may not ask for this.
5. They will now ask for your predicted grades. A tip here is that if you have a predicted grade which is lower than the grade you are consistently getting (for example I was predicted a grade 5 in English but was consistently achieving a grade 6), then speak to your subject teacher and see if it's worth putting the grade you are consistently achieving. This could be especially useful in core subjects (English and maths) and being predicted a 4 and consistently achieving a 5, as this is the difference between passing and not passing.
6. You will now have the opportunity to proceed to submit your application or wait and submit it later. If you feel your application is perfected and you've filled in all the information you want to include, then go ahead! Submit it! However, if you feel you may want to add to it later, or you want to double check on a new day, then leave it for now and submit it later, just don't forget about it!
7. The next step is to receive information about your interview with the college! Good luck!
And that pretty much sums up applying for college. This step-by-step guide is based off of the application of the college I am attending, as this was done online, as are most applications for college these days! I did also fill in a written application for a different college and it was pretty much the same! I don't actually know yet what next week's post will be about, but it will be up next Sunday as I should now be back to my usual upload schedule. Bye for now!
Ellen x